Urban Treaty Payment Event

September 14, 2023

The Odawa Native Friendship Centre (ONFC) and Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) are proud to present the Urban Treaty Payment Event and Trade Show on September 14, 2023.

This special event, being hosted at the ONFC, is the first of its kind in the region and will be open to all to attend. The event will offer access to a range of government services such as Status Card Registration, Treaty Annuity Payments, Employment Recruitment, and many more services.

The purpose behind this event is to facilitate easier access to some government services for urban Indigenous peoples. Treaty annuity payments will also be available to individuals who are members of First Nations that are signatories to treaties with annuity provisions.

Elders, vendors and cultural activities will also be part of the event. We welcome our community to come join us on this day!

Opening ceremonies to begin at 10:00 am and closing ceremonies at 8:00 pm.

Please contact Gabriel Pangowish at gpangowish@odawa.on.ca for more information.
